Precautions need to be taken to ensure that the fish isn’t left at room temperature too long after cooking. However, this time frame only applies if the fish was kept in a fridge during this time. If you cook raw fish and then store it in your refrigerator, it can last up to six days past its original sell-by date. If fast-thawing is necessary, put the fish in a sealed plastic bag and submerge in cold water. It typically takes up to 8 hours per pound, so start the process the night before.
Pro Tip: Never thaw fish at room temperature as it can encourage the rapid growth of bacteria. As soon as the fish thaws, the degradation process proceeds from where it was before freezing. These time frames are set because freezing fish only puts a pause on the degradation process by lowering the temperature. However, if you froze the fish when it was bought, and it still had a couple of days left before it would spoil, you have a couple of days to eat it. That is, if you put the fish in the freezer on its last viable day (two days after its sell-by date), then you need to eat it on the day it was defrosted. Once fish is defrosted, either outside the fridge or inside it, you are restarting the clock in its refrigerated time. That is because it won’t have had as many surfaces being possibly contaminated from the filleting process. If you have a whole fish, it will typically be suitable for another day or two. Granted, some species will last longer than the two-day window. Following this two-day window, fish should not be consumed, and it is safer to throw the fish away. Raw fish will last around two days after its sell-by date in the refrigerator.

When storing fish in the fridge, its self-life will be determined by the type of fish, its condition, and how you protect it from the atmosphere. It is essential that your fridge maintains a maximum temperature of 40 ☏ or below for the fish to remain fresh at higher temperatures, bacteria will propagate and degrade the fish. Storing fish in the refrigerator is an excellent way to keep fish fresh for a couple of days before it begins to spoil.

I did some extensive research and wrote this article with the goal of answering a couple of questions. Whether it’s frozen raw fish or leftovers in the fridge, it’s good to know precisely how long fish will last.